1. A.SENTENCES DIRECT is a sentence that accurately mimic
speech or speech of others, both in oral and written form. The form of the
sentence can be either direct news sentences, interrogative sentence, the
sentence order, or sentence exclaimed.
1. Labelled quotation in written language.
2. Intonation part excerpt pitched higher than other parts.
3. Perhaps the composition: accompanist / quoting, quote / accompanist, quote /
accompanist / quotations.
4. Writing letters beginning with a capital letter quoted on the order in how
the first, second and first quote a third way.
5. There are parts quote form interrogative sentence, the sentence news, and
sentence orders.
example:1. Uncle said, "Come home soon you as soon as possible because
it's raining."2. The party chairman said, "Thank you for your welcome
to visit us at our events,"3. Mom said to me, "why do you come home
that night today? "4. "Let's work on the scientific spirit of this
semester. "I said to them.BExample sentences directly related to the market
...1. "Prices of vegetables in this year increased rapidly, traders
said."2. "Please, buy tomatoes at the market, she said."3.
"Let us keep the cleanliness of this market, I say."4. "Let's
increase in marketing to achieve the target this year, said the manager."5.
"Regional marketing in
West Jakarta will
be expanded in 2012, said the owner of the land."
1. Labelled quotation in written language.
2. Intonation part excerpt pitched higher than other parts.
3. Perhaps the composition: accompanist / quoting, quote / accompanist, quote / accompanist / quotations.
4. Writing letters beginning with a capital letter quoted on the order in how the first, second and first quote a third way.
5. There are parts quote form interrogative sentence, the sentence news, and sentence orders.
example:1. Uncle said, "Come home soon you as soon as possible because it's raining."2. The party chairman said, "Thank you for your welcome to visit us at our events,"3. Mom said to me, "why do you come home that night today? "4. "Let's work on the scientific spirit of this semester. "I said to them.BExample sentences directly related to the market ...1. "Prices of vegetables in this year increased rapidly, traders said."2. "Please, buy tomatoes at the market, she said."3. "Let us keep the cleanliness of this market, I say."4. "Let's increase in marketing to achieve the target this year, said the manager."5. "Regional marketing in West Jakarta will be expanded in 2012, said the owner of the land."