Tuesday, May 7, 2013


1. A.SENTENCES DIRECT is a sentence that accurately mimic speech or speech of others, both in oral and written form. The form of the sentence can be either direct news sentences, interrogative sentence, the sentence order, or sentence exclaimed.
1. Labelled quotation in written language.
2. Intonation part excerpt pitched higher than other parts.
3. Perhaps the composition: accompanist / quoting, quote / accompanist, quote / accompanist / quotations.
4. Writing letters beginning with a capital letter quoted on the order in how the first, second and first quote a third way.
5. There are parts quote form interrogative sentence, the sentence news, and sentence orders.

example:1. Uncle said, "Come home soon you as soon as possible because it's raining."2. The party chairman said, "Thank you for your welcome to visit us at our events,"3. Mom said to me, "why do you come home that night today? "4. "Let's work on the scientific spirit of this semester. "I said to them.BExample sentences directly related to the market ...1. "Prices of vegetables in this year increased rapidly, traders said."2. "Please, buy tomatoes at the market, she said."3. "Let us keep the cleanliness of this market, I say."4. "Let's increase in marketing to achieve the target this year, said the manager."5. "Regional marketing in
West Jakarta will be expanded in 2012, said the owner of the land."

writing..sample task order letter

Dear Mr. George

I am writing this letter not to contact you by telephone. Enclosed you will find a full list of products and services provided by Company Main Retro. To purchase a list of products to our percentage of list price is now being offered exclusively to companies like you.The name of the company has been producing type products for more than 15 years. During this time, we have become leaders of industry sales. Our extensive customer base in various market segments leads me to believe in a solid potential for the product name of your company in a marketing environment.I appreciate you taking the time to look through the enclosed information. I will call you next week to explore mutually beneficial opportunities between the company name and the name of the company's future.Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking with you.



Hate and miss now become one
Flesh and blood in the body
But ....
Why are not you there for me?
Longing in the hearts of the greater
But ....
You never want to be dipelukku
Memories that once we create
Now only small debris
Debris that could never be forgotten
And ...
Now a prince with a white horse
Came up with a million flowers of love
And ...
Now he is always with me
With her
​​love she makes my life happy
But ...
A million fears come to haunt
I'm afraid he will keep coming
Rembulanpun reluctant to give up its rays
Duhai love ...
Look at me here
Hear all my little heart whispered
Duhai night ...
Bring these shadows go away
Stay away from my life


The tears trickled again ..
The heart like a thorn pricked million ..
sick .. sick once ..
tenderness that can only kupendam always think to myself ..
I want to scream to release all the pain that I think ..
The liver is no longer able to accommodate all suffering ..
happiness when it comes??
when this misery end??
every night I could just cry and cry to forget all ..
I hope this suffering will end.


Blazing Egypt, Obama Hands Down

Latest news, The fate of the Egyptian government continues to shake with the action of the people who demanded reforms in the government. Inevitable riots again, the masses peaked in some areas that amounted to thousands of people. After seeing the situation more fiery, apparently gives the President of the United States, Barack Obama wants intend to help to solve the solution that is now increasingly heated. Obama called Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Friday, January 28, 2011. It's a pretty long conversation, Obama asked Mubarak to realize all the promised reforms.

"I just spoke with him (Mubarak) after her speech. I said, Mubarak must account for all the spoken words in speech and take concrete steps towards greater democracy and economic reform, "said President Obama. Obama called Mubarak after he made a speech at one of the national television in Egypt. He demanded Mubarak to immediately realize what she was doing. In that speech, Mubarak who has ruled for 30 years was pledged to carry out reforms.

Mubarak called demonstrations that are now going on it is baigian of destabilizing Egypt. In the telephone conversation, Obama asks Mubarak to the authorities refrain in overcoming massive demonstrations that occurred this first novel. Obama also urged peaceful protesters to take effect. "The Egyptian people have the universal rights to assembly, association, and freedom of speech," Obama said Friday night.

Obama also called on the Egyptian government to reopen access to the internet, including social networking sites Facebook and Twitter. Obama judge, the Egyptian people will determine the future of his country with the hope that the government honest, fair, and accountable. U.S. ready to help. "Americans will take part so that Egypt can achieve their objectives," said Obama.




According to Prof. DR Notonagoro, the value is divided into:

1. Useful value for bodily material
2. Vital values
​​useful for human activities
3. Spiritual values
a. Truth rooted in logic
b. Beauty comes in Aesthetics
c. Goodness sourced in Ethics
d. Beliefs / Religion originates in Metaphysics

Value (Itself) Pancasila should be viewed from each principle in Pancasila:

Value (Itself) precepts I: Religious Monotheism
Value (Itself) II precepts: Respect for human dignity humanitarian / human rights
Value (Itself) precepts III: United Nations unification / reunification
Value (Itself) precepts IV: Populist directed on the principle of consultation
Value (Itself) precepts V: Social Justice equalization

According to Walter G. whereas Everett, the value is divided into five sections as follows:

1. Economic values
​​(economic values) are the values ​​associated with the economic system. This means that these values ​​follow market prices.
2. Values
​​of recreation (recreation values) are the values ​​of the game in his spare time, so as to contribute to the welfare of life and provide physical and spiritual refreshment.
3. The values
​​of the union (association values) are the values ​​that include a variety of human and friendship bentukperserikatan family life, up to the international level.
4. Corporality values
​​(body values) are the values ​​associated with one's physical condition.
5. Character values
​​(character values) which includes the value of all the challenges, personal and social error, including fairness, willingness to help, joy in the truth, and a willingness to control themselves.


a. Belief in the value of
Almighty godhead value Means the recognition and belief in God as a nation against pancipta universe. With this value declared Indonesian nation is a religious nation is not an atheist nation. Lordship also choose a value meaning the recognition of freedom of religion, respect for freedom of religion, there is no compulsion and not discriminated among religious believers.

b. Humanitarian values
The value of a just and civilized humanity implies an attitude of awareness and behavior in accordance with the moral values
​​of life together on the basis of the demands of conscience to treat things as they should be.

c. Unity values
Indonesian unity value implies a unified effort towards the determination of the people to foster a sense of nationalism in the Republic of Indonesia. The unity of Indonesia and fully acknowledge and appreciate the diversity of the people who owned Indonesia ..

d. Populist value
Democratic values
​​are guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation implies a government of the people, by the people and for the people by way of consensus agreement through representative institutions.

e. Top Justice
The value of social justice for all Indonesian people's basic meaning as well as purpose, namely the achievement of Indonesian society Just and Prosperous atauun inner outwardly. Basic values
​​that is abstract and normative. Because of its abstract and normative, it can not be operationalized. In order to be operational and explicit, needs to be translated into the instrumental value. Examples of instrumental values ​​are 1945 and other legislation

Untukmu sahabat

Untukmu sahabat

Sahabat sejatiku
Janganlah kau melupakanku
Walau langkaumu menjauh dariku
Aku kan mencoba mengerti itu

Sahabat sejatiku
Walau tak selamanya kita tak bersatu
Kan ku simpan dam kalbu
Semua kenangan dan wajahmu

Sahabat sejatiku
Tak akan pernah ingkar janji
Walau apapun yang terjadi semoga kau tetap dihatiku


Tips membuat sup bayam jagung manis

1.bayam satu ikat
2.jagung manis satu buah direbus dan dipipil
3.tomat merah setengah buah dipotong potong
4.minyak wijen satu sendok the
5.air kaldu ayam 0,6 lt

1.jahe satu cm di iris iris
2.bawang putih 2siung, digoreng dan dihaluskan
3.merica bubuk 1/8 sendok the
4.garam secukupnya

Langkah langkah

1.didihkan air kaldu ayam dengan jahe
2.masukkan tomat dan bawang putih
3.tambahkan jagung pipil, merica bubuk, gula pasir dan garam aduk sampai rata
4.masukkan bayam dan rebus sampai layu
5.sebelum diangkat tuangkan minyak wijen aduk sebentar
6.angkat dan sajikan selagi hangat



Dikala hati diselimuti duka
Kau hadir membawa gembira
Dikala hati diliputi sepi
Kau datang menemani

Kau telah isi harihariku
Dengan keceriaan dan senyuman
Yang kini jadi kenangan
Karena kau tlah jauh dariku

Kuingat kau setiap hari
Kubutuhkan kau disini
Ku rindukan kau untuk kembali
Ku sayangi kau sepenuh hati



I don’t know what love is
Until I meet you
My heart beats faster
I can’t move, I can’t say anything

Life is beautiful when you come
I can feel it, I can see it
I never know what love is
But when I see you, I know that’s you



The ones who makes me happy
Who I can shere something with
Who cheer me up when I’m down

I’ve done many things with them
Happy or sad, up or down
They bring happiness for me
They always by my side when I need
They are my friends and I’m happy for having them

Friday, May 3, 2013


Public transportation in jakarta

Jakarta as we know is the capital city of indonesia. This is a busy cit, and every morning there are many cars and motorcycles on the road. I am a user of public transportation such as angkot,but I fell uncomfortable sometimes because the driver drives recklessly and it takes a long time to waiting the pessengers or we called it “ngetem”. It’s not effective but I still take angkot because it’s quite cheap.




islam is my religion
islam is not only about prayer
islam is a way of line

islam teaches us to be kind
islam brings us the kindness in life
islam is light for the dark heart

islam is not only a religion
islam is the direction of life

How to make fried rice

How to make fried rice

Fried Rice

A plate of rice
Soy sauce

1.     add oil and heat up the pan
2.     slice the onion and saute until it’s half cooked
3.     pour the egg that already mix with salt
4.     add the rice
5.     give salt,soy sauce
6.     mix thoroughly
7.     add sausage pleces
8.     mix it again
9.     move it to serving plete and garnish it with cucumber, tomato
10.                        fried rice ready to be served



 She is inspires me
She is help me
She does everything
She is the best

I hurt her sometimes
I let her down
I make her cry
But I love her very much

She is the best
She is the one who understands me well
She is my mom

Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone softskill inggris

Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone
Harry potter is a child who has a great power of magic.
His parents are the famous witches. He gets a scar from Voidemort, voidemort is a dark lord, an evil witch. He has two friends, they are Ron harmonie, At the first year in hogwarts (school of  magic) he has to fight against voldemort because voldemort  wants to take the great sorcerer stone which is very powerful. I love harry potter movie because it is very good and the actress/actor has a good acting.